So, you finally decided to make that bold step and buy the “investment” bag you have always dreamed of (still wondering if it is worth it? Here are some reasons why you need a designer bag in your armoury that will make you reconsider for sure!). Congratulations! We are sure you are more than eager now to snap some Instagram-perfect pictures to share your joy with your online friends and followers and take the newly acquired gem out for a spin, right? We are with you all the way. However, just before you go out the door, let us take a few measures to be able to sleep at night, without worrying your brand-new designer bag might not hold up for as long as you want it to last.
Tips to:
1. Moisturise it
It is a proactive measure ideal for leather bags and purses. Conditioning your bag will help add much-needed moisture, which will keep the leather subtle and protected against heart-breaking cracks. First, remove dirt with a soft brush and then rub some leather conditioner onto the surface of the bag (just small amounts of product). Leave for a few minutes; the leather will absorb the necessary quantity of moisture. Gently wipe off. Price-wise, most leather conditioners are sold for around $10 and have enough product to last for MANY uses. Here are some more cleaning hacks to help take proper care of your designer handbag, just in case you need something extra!
Will talk some more about taking proper care of leather designer bags (both unfinished leather and finished leather) later on.
2. Remove Oil Stains
Accidents happen, and you might end up with a nasty oil stain on your bag. Do not panic. Old grandma’s trick will save you. Use baby powder to coat the mark of the stain and leave overnight without brushing it off. You should be able to enjoy your spotless bag again in the morning. However, if you still see a bit of stain, repeat the process until completely gone.
3. Remove Stains from Cosmetics
A rule of thumb is to carry cosmetics in a makeup bag rather than throw them in your designer bag to prevent lose items from breaking when you leave the bag someplace (be it on the floor, a table or anywhere else). BUT, in the rare case disaster strikes and your white Chanel is filthy after a bronzer explosion, use wipes to help clean the loose powder. You won’t believe your eyes!
4. Make Sure it Lasts Forever
Storing your designer bag properly plays a vital role in its longevity. Places with too much moisture, humidity or cold can cause suede, fabric, and leather bags to fade. On the long term, do not be surprised if you see cracks on your bag due to excessive exposure to direct sunlight. Always keep your purse in its dustbag and safely store it someplace with not too much heat or humidity when you are not using it.
Also, note that just shoveling it into the closet is probably one of the worst things you can do to your precious asset. If you are going to use the bag multiple times a day (hence have no time to store it in its dustbag), neatly place it on a shelf and allow lots of breathing room between your other bags. It goes without saying that you will be storing your bag along with your other bags and not with your high heels and sneakers, right?
(You may also want to check out these fantastic tips to help organise your purse or bag, and get it all neat in an instance!)
5. Remove Gum
Gum is every girls’ worst nightmare. Either stuck in our hair or our bag’s lining, it is something that can make us faint. To remove it from hair, we all know that an ice cube is life-saving. For our bags, we will need a toothpick to help remove any gum stuck in the lining. It takes quite a while to get rid of it completely, but patience pays off for sure, once more!
Extra Tips:
We carry this tip with much precaution. Some fashion bloggers say that washing leather that looks too beat up in the washing machine works wonders, except for schmancy designer bags. Better try it with a bag you don’t really fancy that much anymore, though!
DO not overstuff your designer bag. This will help you maintain its original structure and keep the leather safe from stretching out.
How to Take Care of your Unfinished Leather Designer Bag
You can tell a handbag’s leather is unfinished if it darkens with water. Here is what you should NOT do to ensure you keep it in great condition for the longest time possible.
Use Hand Lotions or Creams – These products usually contain waxes and mineral oils that are incompatible with leather and could cause it to darken where applied and, sometimes, even rot over time (especially when you use lanoline oil leather conditioners or creams). In the latter case, restoration is nearly an impossible feat. This goes for both applying hand lotions directly on the leather or transferring some quantity from your hands to the bag.
Saddle Soap – Its pH is extremely high (hence, harsh) for unfinished leather. It will only do damage.
Wipes – Baby wipes or any other on unfinished leather will probably stain.
Leather Cleaners Designed For Furniture or Car Leather – It is a mistake many people make. Using leather cleaners that have not been specifically designed for bags are usually too harsh on leather bags (due to high pH) and will leave you with stains.
How to Remove the Most Common Stains from Unfinished Leather Bags
Oil – Put cornstarch on the stain the soonest possible and rub it in. Speed the cornstarch’s oil absorption process by creating heat (you may use a lamp or blow dryer from a distance). Brush off with a clean, white cloth or toothbrush.
Ink – Again, act fast. With the help of a white eraser, you will be able to erase the stain. Just make sure you use gentle motions and always check if the colour is coming off as you erase. If the ink has already set in, better bring it to a professional leather bag cleaner to provide proper care.
Water – It can damage your bag pretty badly unless you take the bag to a professional leather technician. Proactively, you may use a treatment to protect your bag from water stains (either spray on or rub on products), the moment you purchase it.
How to Take Care of your Finished Leather Designer Bag
Finished leather designer bags are easy to tell because their leather does not darken with water. Here is what NOT to use or do:
Saddle soap – Its alkaline base (pH >10) will affect the leather’s pH and its finish. Better save it for much thicker and harder saddles.
Expose your leather handbag under direct sunlight.
Alcohol – It won’t do any good if you are dealing with ink stains. Better use a white eraser the soonest possible, instead, which is also great to remove many different types of soil and dirt.
When you need to get rid of oil stains, again, cornstarch is your best way out. Rub it in and let it absorb the oil. Create some heat to speed things up and then brush off with a soft brush (preferably toothbrush). Repeat if necessary. Now, if your handbag has a bad odour (i.e. smoke), put some baking soda in a container and place the container inside the bag. Heat the area and let the natural ingredient work its magic. You might need to change out the baking soda a few times before you completely eliminate the odour, though, but it WILL work!
How to Clean a WHITE Leather purse?
With summer fast approaching, a white leather purse is a must-have for sure. Although it seems to be a dirt magnet and extremely prone to staining, you have nothing to fear, even if your white designer purse is not all that shiny and awe-inspiring anymore after years of use. Take it to an expert leather purse cleaner to help restore it to its former glory. If they are knowledgeable professionals, they will be able to use the proper cleansing solutions and materials to remove stains without damaging the leather’s quality. That aside, they will have all the required know-how to bring leather back into its loving, subtle self.
However, you may roll up your sleeves and try this DIY cleaning solution to remove stains from your fav white leather bag.
You will need:
1 soft, clean, white towel
Plastic gloves (white or clear)
1/3 cup Gentle liquid soap (or bleach diluted with water – only for leather WITHOUT a finish, meaning unfinished)
2 soft, clean, white cloths
Leather conditioning spray (water-based)
1 cup lukewarm water
After you empty the purse, turn it upside down over your bathtub or a trash can and shake to remove dirt particles.
Protect the interior fabric of the bag by closing all zippers on the exterior.
Place the white towel on your countertop or any other flat surface.
Wear the gloves and submerge a white cloth into the liquid soap or bleach solution (each mixed with 1 cup of lukewarm water).
Wring out any excess solution from the cloth and apply to the purse.
Rub the stained area with a damp cloth, always making sure you use clean parts of the cloth when you move into another area.
With the last dry cloth, soak up any excess moisture from the purse and let it dry completely.
Spray the leather conditioner all over and hang dry.
Tip: If your white leather purse has ink stains, use non-acetone nail polisher and a cotton swab submerged in it to help rub the stain. Be careful not to apply the nail polisher to any other area than the affected one to prevent damage.
What is the best way you have found to clean your designer handbags and white leather purses? Have you ever tried any of the tips mentioned here? Oh, and, by the way, here is a handy guide to help you tell a real designer bag from a fake (no matter how good an imitation it is!).