Purses are germ magnets, plain and simple. We’ve all been guilty of plopping down our purses on dirty surfaces without a second thought about it. After a long day, the last thing on your mind is where you’re going to place your purse, and sometimes when you’re in small spaces (like bathroom stalls), you just put it wherever it’s most convenient.
The exterior of your purse isn’t the only part that’s prone to getting germy – the inside can also attract a lot of dirt. Does stuffing your purse to the brim with random items then only cleaning it out once in a blue moon ring a bell, anyone?
It’s safe to say that our purses endure a lot over the years, but if you just put a little more thought into your actions on a day-to-day basis, you can prevent the untimely demise of your favourite designer bag. That’s why we’ve decided to uncover all the reasons your purse get so dirty and what you can do about it.
1. Be Wary of Public Spaces
Your purse goes everywhere with you – it comes on the train, to late-night dinners, and even to the bathroom. Public spaces are filled with all sorts of bacteria, which is why you have to be mindful about where you put down your bag. As a general rule, you should avoid putting your purse down on the floor at all costs, but here are a few places that have particularly yucky floors:
- Bathroom floors: This is the absolute worst offender when it comes to dirty purses. Just thinking of all the bodily fluids that end up on that floor can make your skin crawl.
- Bus and train floors: The floors on public transit are absolutely filthy. Hundreds of people carry bacteria on to bus and train floors via their shoes every day, and some of them even have the audacity to spit on the floor.
- Movie theatre floors: Ever felt the bottom of your shoes sticking to the floor while you were watching a movie? Well, if you decide to put your purse on a movie theatre floor, all that sticky stuff will get on it as well!
2. Keep Your Purse Far Away From Food
Kitchen counters are also pretty terrible offenders when it comes to keeping your purse clean. In fact, the dirtiest place in your house is the kitchen sink, and all the bacteria that collects there is then spread around every time you wipe down your kitchen counter with a sponge. Plus, you don’t want to put your bacteria filled purse on the surface you use to prepare and eat all your food.
Instead, opt to place your purse on a chair or in a drawer.
3. Make Use of Wipes
Baby wipes are an absolute lifesaver whenever disaster strikes your purse. These handy wipes should also be used daily just to tackle all the germs and grime that builds up in everyday life.
Don’t forget about the interior of your purse! Baby wipes are great for picking up all those pesky crumbs at the bottom of your bag!
4. Take Out the Trash
Junk in your purse tends to accumulate quickly, which is why you need to make a concerted effort to stay on top of it. Make a habit of taking out all the tissue bits, gum wrappers, and random receipts in your purse at least biweekly.
While you’re at it, take the extra time to give the items going back into your purse a good wipe.
5. Ziploc Bags Are Your Friend
If you don’t want the interior of your purse to look like a bomb went off, make use of little Ziploc bags. Keep all your makeup, lotions, and pens compartmentalized in these bags so that their germs don’t intermingle and explosions don’t ensue.
Using these handy little bags is also a great way to keep your purse organized!
There you have it, everything you need to know about dirty purses and how you can keep them clean. If you’re in need of a more thorough purse cleaning or if you think your bag is past the point of no return, LoveYour Purse has got you covered!
At Love Your Purse, we’ve been offering purse cleaning services throughout Southern Ontario since 1987. Our team of handbag technicians specialize in cleaning designer handbags, and we’re confident in their ability to remove all kinds of stains and odours. That’s why we offer a 100%
money back guarantee to all our customers. Contact us today to get a free quote!